Parseta River Basin in Western Poland

The beauty of remoteness in Pomerania

What to visit - from lost places to great hospitality
Wide nature between the coast line and the river Parseta in lush greens, small villages, woods and meadows are inviting for relaxed holidays.This region in Western Poland used to be Prussian (German) and the former landowners built a lot of Manor houses as a residential house for the large agricultural estates. In its present form, manors in the area of the Parsęta basin meet several functions. A lot of them are ruins and are still in the process of decay. Some have been restored and have nice hotel facilities nowadays. Some are schools, social welfare houses or training facilities or offer private apartments. If you are traveling from the West to this region, you may stay in beautiful Palace of Ryman, a hotel and restaurant, near Gryfice.

Virtual tour through Baltic Manors
The region’s manors testify to the neglect of the manorial heritage after World War Two and its revival after the fall of Communism. Today, these places offer a whole range of new uses and attractions from spa hotels in refurbished palaces to “sleeping beauties” in ruins. Today a vivid landscape full o surprising experiences in manor houses and castles wait to be discovered by you. As part of the Baltic Manors exhibition, a digital 360 degree application enables visitors to look behind closed doors and travel back in time to the heyday of what are now deserted locations. Around 30 houses (dwor) are shown in this interactive map and can be explored in 360 degree and drone footage.

Palaces to visit
The Manor house in Bukówko, now a private hotel facility run by the former teachers, who taught here, when the house was used as a school after world war two.
Palace in Karlino, after the Second World War, the building became an agricultural base and now it is under renovation and it will perform as a hotel. Pałac Ryman is already a nice hotel with swimming pool and restaurant. Pałac Nosowo (Schloss Nassow) was built in neo-Renaissance architecture by the patrician family of the Holkens from Kołobrzeg in 1850. After that the estate was held by several other families like von Münchow, the von Heydebreck and von Sprenger families until 1945. Now the Pałac Nosowo, which is located in a nice woody area in Koszalin County, offers hotels rooms and halls for weddings and celebrations. Kozia Góra (Gutshaus Cosesec) was built by Heinrich Friedrich von Podewils in Baroque style and a large park. By the end of 19th century the palace was rebuilt in a neo-gothic style, which was so modish at that time. Decorative galleries, towers and balconies appeared. The south facade is the richest one, there are knights’ sculptures as well as heraldic cartouches. The volume (cubature) of the palace amounting over 7800 m2 proves its grandeur. At present the palace is in a state of renovation, which shall lead to arising of an exclusive hotel. But it already hosted some concerts and festives. The palaces and manors (pałac and dwór) are part of the cultural heritage in this region, that are still at the beginning of the development and promise a secret treasure soon to be discovered. In Siemczynie there is a Baroque palace, built between 1722 ans 1726 by Berndt von der Goltz as the center of a large agricultural estate with a park and farm buildings. The attraction in the park is the alley with hornbeam trees. Today it is still under reconstruction, the palace itself hosts two exhibitions, one on the Baroque period and one the agricultural and peasant life of the days. Opposite the Palace is a hotel with restaurant, which offers lively cultural events for visitors and local people.