More Articles from our Travelblog about the Baltic Manors


I feel tired but delighted recalling the past three days. I came to Lithuania to join a study group traveling all over the country to explore the manorial heritage.

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The iron heart of Pederstrup Manor

The cast iron cooking range of the manor house Pederstrup, which is now the Reventlow-Museum of Lolland, has been thoroughly renovated.

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The heritage Ambassadors from Parseta River Basin

Sometimes, luck is being pushed on you. One could argue that luck is innately determined by chance, but I think that is only half true.

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In love with Manor Life

Escape to the countryside, start anew—that was the major plan of teacher Dirk Legall and his partner, the actor Uwe Eichler in 2014. After a fateful call with the Foundation Stiftung Denkmalschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

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Community vibes at castle Svaneholm

The term “space pioneer” first appeared in the German province of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the mid-1990s. It addresses brave folks who dare to move into the countryside

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“I am exactly in the right p(a)lace!”

Working at the Plungė Art Museum, a melting pot of Samogitian, Lithuanian, as well as international arts and crafts, her energetic spirit promises a worthwhile visit.

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Soul Food from Hugo Scheu

Isn’t it true that each of us has a small collection of things we like? When we hand them to the next generation or sell them on eBay or at a flea market, we all add up to a living museum of cultural goods

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Dear Christina Piper,...

What if all of the historic houses were to vanish? Could you fathom that? I grieve for the buried history whenever an old house is demolished—regardless of how shabby it looks.

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The Wine Rebel at Manor Frederiksdal

When things come to an end, there is always a chance for something new...

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Literature about Manors

Escape to the countryside with a good read...

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Taking Roots at Manor Jackowo

A Mother-Daughter Duo finds their Calling at an abandoned manorial Estate in Poland....

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Workation at Manor Damerow

In Summer 2019, Felicitas Gobbers opened a Coworking Space in a village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern...

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Dark Days at manor Schmarsow

Unknown perspectives of Post-War-Life on the German Estate Schmarsow....

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“A Baroque garden was the smart phone of the 16th century”

Frederik Lüttichau, the owner of manor Søholt, talks about finding pleasure in nature 400 years ago...

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From being Teachers to becoming Spacepioneers

Zofia Koczan and her husband once worked as teachers at Bukówko manor. For 20 years now, they have been running the place as a hideaway...

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